Nowadays we have been reading lots of cases regarding animal violence. Let me get it straight animal violence is the crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal. Most of us think it’s all about hurting animals physically, have you ever imagined how they have been mentally tortured? That’s the reason, why most of the animals turn harmful fearing getting hurt. Even they lose their mental stability at times like human beings it's just that we often have it and animals react late. I have heard of many such cases as well as read about them.


I would like to recall a few such cases that happen around us but most of us are unaware of those. One of the articles said a dog was rescued by a woman, the dog was illtreated by its past owner but the women looked after the dog so well. But he is acting strange when he was all alone. He kept on biting his leg with anger. The woman thought maybe he is trying to gain attention and love. The dog has been doing this for a while now and the woman was being restless, she decided to consult a veterinarian. For those who aren’t aware of the term veterinarian, is a professional who practises medicine by treating diseases, disorders, and injuries in non-human animals. Let me get back the vet physician came home and started his treatment by observing the dog’s activity on the first day. The next day doctor concluded that the dog is scared of being hurt by objects like a broom, sticks, etc. around him so he is hurting himself rather than being beaten up by his owner. After a long section, the dog was back to normal, he stopped harming himself. Can you just imagine how much might the dog has suffered that he started harming himself to avoid being hurt? He has been through lots mentally as well as physically.


One of the most viewed cases of a pregnant elephant that died due to accidentally biting the explosive stuffed pineapple pieces by the villagers so that they could protect their farm from wild animals. Seriously? People stuff explosive in food so that they can protect their farm? How can they be so much cruel? Elephant ate it because she was hungry and she was so badly hurt that she broke her bones that she couldn’t swallow anything. She was starving, trying to protect herself she stood in the water for two days and died standing. She was a month pregnant though it takes 22months for a baby elephant to be born. Do you know the pain that a mother goes through when she knows she is going to die along with her baby who isn’t even born? It's easy to talk about it but difficult to imagine, isn’t it?


Another case of a pregnant dog who was brutally killed by its owner after giving birth to four puppies. She was beaten with sticks and bricks, dragged from a motorcycle for at least two kilometres until she died and then dumped into a pond. This incident came into light when two witnesses informed rescue group Janhit Sewa Samiti. They came to the rescue of the puppies, however, only two of them were alive. Can you ever imagine that anybody would do this to a dog who has just given birth to puppies?


These are a few incidents that disturbed me a lot I just can't stop thinking about those cruel people who could do such things to a living thing who are part of our life, they complete our life cycle. Most of them are loyal to us. But we humans use them whenever we want and hurt them according to our mood. Whenever we are happy, we love them, whenever we are sad, we hug them and cry, whenever angry we scold them or hit them. Few people find them to be a sex toy. I have also heard such incident were goats, dogs, pigs, etc. been raped or used for human pleasure. There are many incidents of hurting animals using crackers during Diwali and applying colours during Holi. We, humans, have become so much selfish and stone-hearted that nothing around us matters, all we care about is us and our comforts. After all this I would like to say a few things, please do react to these kinds of crimes going around you and stop being inhuman because if they are alive only then you will be. There is a saying “it’s okay to be angry but it’s never okay to be cruel”. That’s all for now.


Whenever you find any crimes against animals you can immediately contact the below organizations:


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