Hey guys! I’m here to discuss one of the most sensitive topics, Rape against women. It took me longer to write about this because I didn’t know how to start and where to start as many things come to the mind when you hear this word RAPE. This is something that has become common within us. According to the statistics, there has been a growth of 7.5% in the rate of crimes against women and a woman gets raped every 20 minutes in India. 90% of the cases go unreported and 94% of offenders are familiar to the victims. It's just not about India it is about every female around the world.


I have a few questions regarding this, I guess most of us have similar questions when it comes to rape. Why does it happen? What kind of mental state are the offenders in, at that particular time which makes them so much horrifying? Even after committing the crime hell number of times why don’t they leave them alone? What makes the offenders act so brutally against the victims? From where do they get the guts to murder the victim? I have many such endless questions. Most of them blame the victims for their situation. Women are always taught mannerism by their parents, relatives, where ever they go they get lots of advice. Behave like a good girl, sit in a good posture, don’t expose yourself so that it attracts the opposite sex, don’t stay alone and so on.


Let me ask you something can you tell me what kind of dressing sense do you expect from a 5-month-old baby and a 90-year-old woman who has been raped? I'm sure nobody has an answer for this. Still, the women are taught to be safe I don’t understand this concept. Okay, women are taught to be safe but where? She isn’t safe at her own house around her family, relatives. There are countless cases where the culprits are fathers, cousins, brothers, husbands, uncles. Oh, wait a second you might be wondering husbands! Most of you might have not heard of three sex workers being brutally raped. Here pops up another question sex worker seriously! It's their job, they sell their body for money. How are these called a rape? How are religion and caste part of rape? No matter the girl belongs to Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, upper caste or lower caste and what kind of work she does, forcing someone into a sexual act without their consent is called rape.


Do most of the rape cases get justice and even after that is there any change in the reduction of rape cases? No, there is a rise in cases, which means the punishment which is given isn’t effective or it doesn’t make any difference in this society. One of the most horrifying rape cases was Nirbhaya, she wanted the culprits to be hanged till death. Why was it so? She wanted this so that any other person like her shouldn’t go through such a terrific pain. Unfortunately, it’s still rising every day and I don’t think justice prevailed. I’m sure most of the women have faced such abuses from a young age which would be a nightmare for most of us that could be a wrong touch, behaviour or talk. Places aren’t necessary it could be anywhere home, native or workplace.


So, it is our mentality whatever goes wrong is because of the victim. In India we are working on a slogan BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO I guess there should be a slight change in this saying BETI BACHAO BETA PADHAO. As per my knowledge, the Betas at your homes has to be taught how to behave, respect and protect the Betis out there. Most of them are happy being proud parents of male kids and forget to teach them the importance of their existences. I have seen my aunt; she makes her son understand to respect and protect the opposite sex and also their significance in everybody’s life. She says the way we teach girls even they have to learn all these at a very young age itself so that they become one of the most responsible people towards their mothers, sisters, wives and other women in the society. I wish all the other parents teach their kids similarly this might change the crimes against women.


I would like to conclude by saying we should create a drastic change against rape in the law as well as the society because it not only breaks the victim but also the family’s hope. And I'm not saying this hasn’t happened with the men, most of the men either don’t admit them or it goes unreported but rape mostly happens with women though a few of them come into the light. Educate your kids to protect and know the significance of the opposite sex. Speak openly with your kids about rape and don’t teach your girls to resist against the abuse instead teach them how to react against it. Give them confidence by staying beside them in every situation and teach them to say NO if they find anything wrong. I’m saying this on behalf of all the women around including the victims, fight against rape until and unless there is a stop or else the past times will return where the parents get the baby girl killed in the mother’s womb before their birth but this time with a different reason for not getting their girl child raped.
